Sunday, October 16, 2011

another interesting pic

This is a picture of my neighbor's 2 floors bungalow. And intriguingly, one of its pillar is almost broken. It is engineeringly bad construction.

taking some pics

I think its been about 5 years that I bought my Fujifilm S1 Pro slr camera and haven't use it. That's because my brother wanted to buy it and he still haven't paid for it. Then When I came back from the State after finishing my master, I figured that he never use it and claimed that it was broken. I told him, to give back to me, and it seem nothing wrong with it. Perhaps that he just din't how to properly use it. Then I bought a 300-70 sigma lense for 70 bucks and it seem to make my camera healthy. Here are some pics.

I'm not sure if it some crow species or not. Their eyes are bright red and their body is of the size of dove.

Askar Wataniah

Sebenarnya saya dah lama nak jadi askar. Sejak kecik lagi. Tapi mak sya tak bagi sebab dia cakap askar ni suka mendera rekrut, kena marah, d...